Desert Bighorn Sheep

Circle Ranch has growing numbers of these native animals in combination with elk, pronghorn, mule deer and on occasion 1000 cattle which we use as a substitute for bison.

The idea that sheep are harmed by the presence of elk and cattle  is contradicted by the fact that for hundreds of thousands of years bison, elk, pronghorn and mule deer coexisted across their Western ranges.  Range science in use by TPWD at the WMA next door to us wrongly assumes that the empty deserts of 1905 were in a natural, and ideal state, and that desert grasslands, and Desert Bighorn Sheep must be protected from diverse animal communities which would include elk.

Do we help ranges when we ‘protect’ them from animals?  Consider the following:


Are our empty deserts normal? Here is insight from Savory:

Ranching, wildlife management, finance, oil & gas, real estate development and management.
  • Chris:”Think of desertification as the process of gradual dying of low rainfall grasslands/savannas, and try to understand that this dying process occurs because of biodiversity loss. Without biodiversity loss desertification does not occur and thus what we call desertification is merely a symptom of biodiversity loss.”…Allan

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